Tuesday, March 3, 2015

2015 parental alienation theory is exposed and eradicated from family and criminal courts

My goal in 2015 is to eradicate the discredited parental alienation theory placing children in abusers homes 
Help us protect children and eradicate this disturbing theory
In 2015 there is absolutely no excuse for the discredited parental alienation theory to be used
We know the harm, we know lives were lost, and we know children were placed in the abusers homes 
We can see the plethora of legal against the use, the harm, the fact that it is malpractice and the overall destruction caused to children and families 
There is no excuse for individuals whether PhD. or lawyer who choose to ignore the legal and continue to use this disturbing pro-sex with children theory 
Lets make 2015 the year this discredited theory being used to gate way legalize child sexual abuse is barred from the courts and the plethora of legal against it used to protect the children who suffered the most from the acceptance of this discredited theory 
There is no excuse for abuse and there is no excuse for the unethical individuals still advertising and using the discredited parental alienation theory in 2015

Please share this legal with anyone who might have a child abuse case or be going into the family court system
 Individuals need to be prepared to fight against the discredited parental alienation theory especially if reporting abuse more often than not the discredited pas theory is used as the criminal defense to child abuse and is in-admissible 

Because this advocate like's to back everything i say with the legal source list  see source list :
My statement 10 sources
"We know the harm, we know lives were lost, and we know children were placed in the abusers homes" 

Source 1
U.S. Family Courts Sacrificing Mothers & Children - Family Courts Behind an Epidemic of Pedophilia & Judicial Abuse http://www.sott.net/article/245202-Pedophilia-in-the-Justice-System

Source 2 :
How Junk Sex Science Created a Paradigm Shift in Society, Legislation and the Judiciary By Judith A. Reisman, Ph.Dhttp://www.drjudithreisman.com/archives/2005/08/implications_of.html
See section "State Legislation"
Texas: A Case Study
Many women have testified under oath regarding the forced removal of their children based on the scientifically inept theory of Parental Alienation Syndrome promulgated by Kinseyan-adherent Richard Gardner and his disciples. This suggests that few judges have read the following excerpt from the report of the Attorney General's Task Force on Family Violence.
Judges should treat incest and molestation as serious criminal offenses.... Incarceration, whether in hospitals, treatment centers or prisons, is absolutely essential to the protection of the nation's children. The only true protection for children from a pedophile is incapacitation of the offender.25

Source 3:
How Many Children Are Court -Ordered Into Unsupervised Contact With an Abusive Parent After Divorce? Contact: Joyanna Silberg, PhD, http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/med/PR3.html
How Many Children Are Court -Ordered Into Unsupervised Contact With an Abusive Parent After Divorce?
Contact: Joyanna Silberg, PhD, Executive Vice President
tel: (410) 938-4974 or email Joyanna Silberg
Bala Cynwyd, Pa.
According to a conservative estimate by experts at the Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence (LC), more than 58,000 children a year are ordered into unsupervised contact with physically or sexually abusive parents following divorce in the United States. This is over twice the yearly rate of new cases of childhood cancer. 
Experts at the LC consider the crisis in our family courts to constitute a public health crisis. Once placed with an abusive parent or forced to visit, children will continue to be exposed to parental violence and abuse until they reach 18. Thus, we estimate that half a million children will be affected in the US at any point of time. Many of these children will suffer physical and psychological damage which may take a lifetime to heal. The Leadership Council urges citizens to work with legislators and agencies in their communities to examine this problem, review state agency policies and procedures, and develop legislative and policy solutions that help ensure safety from violence for children following divorce.

Source 4:
Tuesday, June 25, 2013 Why the Official Rejection of PAS Matters by Barry Goldstein

There was never any valid justification to permit the use of PAS by any name in the custody courts. The fraudulent use of PAS has been responsible for destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands of children. This never should have been permitted by the courts, but at the same time the courts are extremely defensive to criticism of their errors and are unlikely to acknowledge past mistakes. 

Source 5:
 Courts Awarding Custody to Abusers and Domestic Violence Homicides Is There a Connection? http://www.ncdsv.org/images/Goldstein_CourtsAwardCustodyAbusersDVHomicidesConnect_4-06-2010.pdf 
See page 6-7"  The flawed and outdated practices used in the custody courts are causing tremendous harm to children and society. If the bad decisions in these courts did not result in any deaths of mothers and children they should still be reformed. We have significant anecdotal evidence and research on related issues that makes it likely some of the murders and murder-suicides could be prevented if the custody courts made better use of the up-to-date research now available. No one wants to be known as the judge who hurts children or receive publicity when an abuser the judge protected kills the mother and/or children. I would urge that Page 7 of 7 research be started to determine how often custody court mistakes result in the deaths of the children they are supposed to protect. In the meantime, I hope judges will stop sending children to live with abusers. Barry Goldstein is a domestic violence speaker, writer and advocate. He is coeditor with Mo Therese Hannah of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, ABUSE and CHILD CUSTODY. at 12:01 AM 0 comments Links to this post "

Source 6 
The Leadership Council610-664-5007

Child Abuse Experts Applaud Legal Community for Rejecting
Parental Alienation Syndrome

Judge Sol Gothard is glad to see that the legal community has joined other professionals in recognizing the harm that PAS can cause. Recently retired from Louisiana's 5th Circuit Court of Appeal, Judge Gothard has been involved in over 2000 cases of allegations of child sexual abuse. He states, "PAS has caused emotional harm, physical harm and in some cases, even death to children." [read about Nathan's death; see also Jana Bommersbach. Parental Alienation. Phoenix Magazine, May 2006]
Joyanna Silberg, PhD, a Clinical Psychologist and Executive Vice President of the Council [see bio], has also seen first hand the long-term emotional damage this so-called syndrome has caused. "How do you explain to young children forced to live with abusers why the courts have considered them liars and ignored their cries for help?" Silberg has found that it can take years for these children to get past their feelings of betrayal by the system that was supposed to protect them. [see article about Tiffany; more children's stories]

Source 7
Parental alienation and domestic violence Joan Dawson
Excerpts "A few other cases making headlines include: Court Punishes Woman in Alienation Case; WI: Judge Jails Mother over Daughter's Refusal to Visit Father and Judge Dismisses Abuse Allegations.
To sum it up, any behavior that does not promote access to children can be classified as parental alienation and punished with jail time or limits on/loss of custody. With this threat, parents are less likely to report abuse and more likely to share custody with an abuser.
It should also be noted that when violent partners make good on their threats to take the kids away, it's referred to as domestic violence by proxy -a continuation of domestic violence - rather than PA or PAS. Some battered women who've lost custody use PA or PAS to describe their particular situation. This both minimizes the nature and scope of abuse women face and promotes the use of a dangerous weapon (PA/PAS) that can be used against them in court.
I wouldn't hand an angry man a agun, nor would I readily hand over a legal strategy to potential pedophiles, abusers or killers. Yet that is exactly what PA/PAS is doing."

Source 8

Pacific Sun, October 24-30, 2001 
” When family court judges
hear unproven accusations, they often assume that the accusing parent is lying in order to
smear the other parent. That’s a crime punishable by loss of custody. And, when it
comes to child molestation, there rarely is any proof. The horrific consequence is that
sometimes children are placed in the custody of their abusers. 

source 9
The Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Science, Law, and Policy Jennifer Hoult
Since 1985, in jurisdictions all over the United States, fathers have been awarded sole custody of their children based on claims that mothers alienated these children due to a pathological medical syndrome called Parental Alienation Syndrome ("PAS"). Given that some such cases have involved stark outcomes, including murder and suicide, PAS's admissibility in U.S. courts deserves scrutiny.
Source 10
A Historical Perspective on Parental Alienation
Syndrome and Parental Alienation
Joan S. Meier
George Washington University Law School, jmeier@law.gwu.edu

see page 234 first full paragraph line 14 
Batterers’ vendettas against their children’s mothers are also often
played out in aggressive litigation against her, especially over custody.
Custody litigation is an ‘‘ideal’’ mechanism for denigrating the mother by providing
a forum for attacks on her dignity and competence as a mother while
enlisting court personnel to join the attack (American Psychological Association
[APA], 1996; Dalton, Carbon, & Olesen, 2003; Stark, 1995). Moreover,
many mothers view losing custody—especially to their abuser—as the worst
that could happen to them. When abusers do receive custody, as is becoming
more common, they have thereby succeeded in inflicting a profound injury
on the mother. The legal system’s imprimatur of legitimacy on her abuser and
rejection of her as a parent exacerbates the harm (Herman, 1992). Finally, in
a significant number of cases, abusers with custody have succeeded in
completely ending the mothers’ contact with their children pursuant to court
order (Neustein & Lesher, 2005; Stop Family Violence, 2007). Such a complete
deletion of a mother-child relationship would seem to be the epitome
of destructive ‘‘parental alienation’’ (while admittedly accomplished by
judicial action).

My next statement "We can see the plethora of legal against the use, the harm, the fact that it is malpractice and the overall destruction caused to children and families "

1 Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Professionals Need to Know Part 2 of 2

2 Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Professionals Need to Know Part 1 of 2

Implications of the Kinsey Reports on Child Custody Cases

Dr. Richard Gardner: A Review of His Theories and Opinions on Atypical Sexuality, Pedophilia, and Treatment Issues by Stephanie J. Dallam, RN, MSN, FNP

Department of Justice Report Demands Custody Court Reforms by Barry Goldstein Part I: The Game Changing Findings

Department of Justice Report Demands Custody Court Reforms Part II

Courts Awarding Custody to Abusers and Domestic Violence Homicides Is There a Connection?

8 Battered Mothers’ Testimony Project: A Human Rights Approach to Child Custody and Domestic Violence


10 Criminal Rewards: The Impact of Parent Alienation Syndrome on Families Andraé L. Brown

11 Our Children Are At Risk and Their Health Is Endangered: What Are Their Legal Rights, How Do We Hold the Courts Accountable to Protect Them, and What Can Psychologists Do? Toby Kleinman, JD

12 Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: A Research Review Joan S. Meier

13 The Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Science, Law, and Policy Jennifer Hoult

14 A Historical Perspective on Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation Joan S. Meier a a George Washington University Law School, Washington, DC Online Publication Date: 01 July 2009

15 National Council ofJuvenile and Family CourtJudges A Judicial Guide to Child Safety in Custody Cases

16 "BUT I'VE SEEN PAS!" No, You Haven't.

17 NCJFCJ Judges' Guide to Custody Evaluations in Cases of Abuse (it's not PAS) PDF SCHOLAR

18 THE LIZ LIBRARY: It's not PAS: Domestic VIolence by Proxy at LIZNOTES research on family law politics and child custody

19 CUSTODY SWITCH BY JILL KRAMER Pacific Sun, October 24-30, 2001

20 Why "Therapeutic Jurisprudence" Must Be -- and Will Be -- Eliminated From Our Family Courts

21 Disciplining Divorcing Parents: Social Construction of Parental Alienation by F. Besset PDF SCHOLAR

22 Legal Community Rejects Parental Alienation Syndrome The Leadership Council610-664-5007

23 Parental alienation and domestic violence Joan Dawson

24 Myths That Place Children At Risk During Custody Litigation Dallam. S. J., & Silberg, J. L. (Jan/Feb 2006). Myths that place children at risk during custody disputes. Sexual Assault Report, 9(3), 33-47. (PDF)

25 Parental Alienation Syndrome: Frye v Gardner in the Family Courts (Part 2) by Jerome H. Poliacoff, Ph.D., P.A., Cynthia L. Greene, Esq., and Laura Smith, Esq

26 Parental Alienation Syndrome: Frye v Gardner in the Family Courts (Part 1) by Jerome H. Poliacoff, Ph.D., P.A., Cynthia L. Greene, Esq., and Laura Smith, Esq

27 domestic violence, abuse, and child custody by MT Hannah - ‎2010 - ‎Cited by 8 - ‎Related articles

28 Part II: Parental Alienation Syndrome

29 Parental Alienation Disorder: Why Label Children with a Mental Diagnosis? Journal of Child Custody Volume 7, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 266 – 286 Authors: Lenore E. Walker; David L. Shapiro DOI: 10.1080/15379418.2010.521041

30 What is Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)?

31 The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Is It Scientific? by Stephanie J. Dallam, RN, MSN, FNP Dallam, S. J. (1999).

32 Report of the American Psychological Association Presidential Task Force On Violence And The Family web.archive.org

33 How Junk Sex Science Created a Paradigm Shift in Society, Legislation and the Judiciary By Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D.

34 How Spouses Use Alienation Syndrome as a Weapon by Alison Brewin and Carla Lewis

35 Published July 12, 2006 by The Leadership Council On Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence Legal Community Rejects Parental Alienation Syndrome The Leadership Council610-664-5007

36 Best Interest for Whom? Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) and its Implications for Abused Women and their Children Prepared for Harmony House By Kathleen Chow Masters of Criminology Applied University of Ottawa December 2011

37 “Parental Alienation Syndrome:" Another Alarming DSM-5 Proposal Using a medicalizing label to mask child sexual abuse Published on June 6, 2011 by Paula J. Caplan, Ph.D. in Science Isn't Golden

38 U.S. Family Courts Sacrificing Mothers & Children - Family Courts Behind an Epidemic of Pedophilia & Judicial Abuse

39 Parental Alienation Syndrome & Parental Alienation: Research Reviews

40 The Danger of Pedophilia Preying on America's Innocent

41 How Junk Sex Science Created a Paradigm Shift in Society, Legislation and the Judiciary By Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D.

42 Child custody for sex offenders By Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D.

43 How Many Children Are Court -Ordered Into Unsupervised Contact With an Abusive Parent After Divorce? Contact: Joyanna Silberg, PhD,

44 Endless Stupidity -- Advocacy for Supervised Visitation ...

45 THE LIZ LIBRARY: Stalking Through the Courts -

46 The Parental Alienation Debate Belongs in the Courtroom, Not in DSM-5 Timothy M. Houchin, MD, John Ranseen, PhD, Phillip A. K. Hash, DO, PhD andDaniel J. Bartnicki, JD

 47 "The Truth About Parental Alienation"

48 Tuesday, June 25, 2013 Why the Official Rejection of PAS Matters by Barry Goldstein

49 PARENT ALIENATION SYNDROME REVISITED Dr Lois Achimovich Next Step Youth Drugs and Alcohol Services, WA Paper presented at theChild Sexual Abuse: Justice Response or Alternative Resolution Conferenceconvened by the Australian Institute of Criminologyand held in Adelaide, 1-2 May 2003

50 2009 A Historical Perspective on Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation Joan S. Meier

51 Criminal Rewards: The Impact of Parent Alienation Syndrome on Families Andraé L. Brown

52 Tuesday, April 6, 2010 Courts Awarding Custody to Abusers and Domestic Violence Homicides Is There a Connection? By Barry Goldstein

53 Our Children Are At Risk and Their Health Is Endangered: What Are Their Legal Rights, How Do We Hold the Courts Accountable to Protect Them, and What Can Psychologists Do? Toby Kleinman, JD, toby@adlerkleinman.com

54 Parents losing custody to abusers - The Leadership Council



 57 Lack of Empirical Data, Research or Scientific Basis by
 Justice for Children


58 Fairness and Accuracy in Evaluations of DV and Abuse by Smith and Coukos PDF SCHOLAR

59 CUSTODY SWITCH BY JILL KRAMER Pacific Sun, October 24-30, 2001

60 Parental Alienation Syndrome and Alienated Children – getting it wrong in child custody cases Carol S. Bruch

61 Richard Ducote Discusses Parental Alienation Part 1

62 Richard Ducote Discusses Parental Alienation Part 2

63 Richard Ducote Discusses Parental Alienation Part 3 ...

64 Richard Ducote Discusses Parental Alienation Part 4 ...

65 Parental Alienation Syndrome - Richard Ducote

66 Phoenix Magazine May 2006 Parental Alienation – “Jana’s View” By Jana Bommersbach

67 September/October 2009 Issue Revisiting Parental Alienation Syndrome — Scientific Questions, Real World Consequences By David Surface Social Work Today Vol. 9 No. 5 P. 26

68 Parental Alienation Syndrome Misused in Child Custody Cases SEPTEMBER 29, 2008

69 The misuse of parental alienation syndrome in Custody Suits chapter 7 Joan S. Meier

70 One More Battleground: Domestic Violence, Child Custody, and the Batterers’ Relentless Pursuit of their Victims Through the Courts Mary Przekop1

71 Erickson, Nancy S. (2005, Spring). Use of the MMPI-2 in Child Custody Evaluations Involving Battered Women: What Does Psychological Research Tell Us? 

72 COLLABORATIVE LAW: Ethical and Practical Issues

73 COLLABORATIVE LAW, COLLABORATIVE DIVORCE: What's Wrong With Multidisciplinary Practice Groups?

74 Domestic Violence (DV) by Proxy: Why Terrorist Tactics Employed by Batterers Are Not "PAS" September 16, 2009 


76 "Time's Up!": PAS as a Religion

77 Use of Inappropriate Syndrome Testimony
As early as September of 1989 Dr. Gary Melton and Susan Limber in an article entitled "Psychologists' Involvement in Cases of Child Maltreatment" [American Psychologist Vol. 44, No. 9, pp. 1225-1233] commented on the inappropriate use by therapists of syndromes that are not found in the various versions of Diagnosis and Statistical Manual. There have been a proliferation of such syndromes over the last several years. At this point using syndromes which are not appropriately researched or acknowledged by the profession is below the standard of care. Among the syndromes which are controversial and which should not be represented as accepted in the therapist community are Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome, Parental Alienation Syndrome, [Wiederholt v. Fischer 169 WIS 2d 524, 45 N.W. 2d 442 (1992)], False Memory Syndrome, and Malicious Mother Syndrome.http://www.kspope.com/ethics/malpractice.php

Update #1 March 1, 2015

The media has a duty to adequately source check the alleged experts and the alleged theory's
The media rather than promoting the discredited abuse excuse parental alienation theory the media could have helped the hundreds of families who lost custody to the abuser because of this discredited theory and exposed the on going corruption in the family and criminal courts and helped stop this corruption. 
Dear CBS Leslie Moonves, President and Chief Executive Officer, CBS Corporation

I am writing this letter to bring attention to Dr. Phil and his repeated shows on the discredited parental alienation theory from roughly 2008-2015 see link promoting the discredited parental alienation theory from 2008-2015?  This is deeply concerning to me given the fact that parental alienation theory is a discredited theory that places children directly into reported abusers homes and advocates for sex with children. A proper source check of this theory would have revealed that Richard Gardner is the origin see source child custody for sex offender's  Child custody for sex offenders By Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D. Inevitably, Gardner’s sole experimental authority for this PAS theory is Alfred C. Kinsey. In fact, Gardner largely plagiarizes Chapters 5 in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Female (1953) to show child molestation is normal. Next Richard Gardners alleged therapy warning this is disturbing Dr. Richard Gardner: A Review of His Theories and Opinions on Atypical Sexuality, Pedophilia, and Treatment Issues by Stephanie J. Dallam, RN, MSN, FNP 

Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Professionals Need to Know Part 2 of 2 Conclusion PAS is an unproven theory that can threaten the integrity of the criminal justice system and the safety of abused children. Prosecutors should educate themselves about PAS and be prepared to argue against its admission in court. In cases where PAS testimony is admitted, it is a prosecutor’s responsibility to educate the judge and jury about the shortfalls of this theory. As more criminal courts refuse to admit PAS evidence, more protection will be afforded to victims of sexual abuse in our court system.

  • The promotion of the discredited pro-pedophile theory parental alienation on CBS is completly unacceptable.Please fire Dr. Phil for improper source checking and the promotion of the discredited pro-sex with children theory parental alienation.

    Thank you 

Parental alienation theory is a discredited pro-pedophile theory that places children in abusers homes....

My goal in 2015 is to eradicate the discredited parental alienation theory placing children in abusers homes
Help us protect children and eradicate this disturbing theory

We can see the plethora of legal against the use, the harm, the fact that it is malpractice and the overall destruction caused to children and families
There is no excuse for individuals whether PhD. or lawyer who choose to ignore the legal and continue to use this disturbing pro-sex with children theory 

I hereby petition the Department of Justice for an immediate criminal investigation into all parental... (36 signatures on petition)

About this Petition